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jp lv lt no pl pt ro ru es

Tell Your Friends

[2019-03-24] SFML/CSFML FPC binding source code updated to version 2.5.0!

[2017-10-29] FFmpeg FPC bindings source code released!

[2017-08-20] OpenJPEG FPC binding source code released!

[2017-02-15] Opus FPC binding source code released!

[2017-01-29] libsamplerate FPC binding source code released!

[2017-01-23] libexif FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-21] Pango FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-16] Kiss FFT FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-09] LibRsvg FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-05] bzip2 FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-05] LAME FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-04] Cairo FPC binding source code released!

[2016-09-01] libsndfile FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-31] ENet FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-26] SoundTouch FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-23] ZeroMQ FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-22] turbojpeg FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-22] portaudio FPC binding source code released!

[2016-08-22] mpg123 FPC binding source code released!


License Agreement

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall the copyright holders or anyone distributing the software be liable for any damages or other liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Using this software the users accept that strictly personal data will be treated by the company DJMASTER.COM, in form of titular of the treatment in conformity with the privacy statement law. With the herein the users are informed, even before the software is started, of the treatment modalities by DJMASTER.COM of the data themselves. The purposes of the strictly personal data treatment, performed automatically by the software, will be to provide products and services by DJMASTER.COM.

If you do not accept these terms and conditions you must not use this software.

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If you get into troubles with ON AIR check the following Help page.

Windows7 No Unicode

Date: 2024-07-21
Size: 2.208.610 bytes
Md5: 97259daee395278d515e516907f7b703



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